It's called a Hidden Markov model, because it can have multiple states with the same apparent measurement, and because the probability of a transition from one state to another depends only on which state it's in, and not on its history.
The boxes are "states," and the arrows are labeled with the transition rate per second. Here, the transition rate from state 0 to state 1 is pressure-sensitive. A rate constant can be sensitive to ligand concentration, voltage, or pressure, or any other stimulus that fits this Eyring-type formula for the effective rate constant k:. We use color to group states into "conductance classes" "classes" for short. Qu's Commerce Cloud has arrived!
Read Article. Customer video. Creating Future-Ready Restaurants. Watch Video. Read Guide. Podcast Season 2 Episode When you run SKM, also run it unfiltered. Or both grab and SKM both at the highest number filter possible for good results. Make sure the idealization approximately follows what you would do by eye. When running MIL, it works best in practice to start with simple models and build to more complex models.
Start with C-O1-O2-O3 with your three conductance states first. Then build your more complex model one state by one. Make sure all the components are visible in the histogram at each step. SKM also depends on the model and the rates that are in it. I'm not an expert on fitting binding, but I think it works best if you fit across concentrations, is this what you're doing?
For the purposes of fitting at a single concentration, just set the rates to scale appropriately for your model. When I fit binding, it can be difficult to keep track of the units, make sure the units are correct for the concentration to give appropriate units on the rates. Transitions that are not in the model Why do we see transitions between one open state conductance straight into another conductance level, even when the model see below defines that the ion channel has to go through a closed state before entering another open state with another conductance level?
This plays out mathematically: take a three-state model that starts in state one, with connections between states one and two, and two and three. The initial occupancy probability vector P0 is [1, 0, 0]. About Tcrit I have a question about Tcrit. When I add another black closed state 5 total there is no Tcrit reported in the blue report window. When I remove a black closed state 4 total a Tcrit is reported as see in this file. What do you suggest doing in this situation to solve for Tcrit?
Could anyone please explain how the MIL program estimates the Tcrit and why does it give us more than one value? In one paper in which QuB was used, it says 'Tcrit was estimated as the intersection of areas between the second and the third closed state durations'- now is there a particular reason for choosing 2nd and third closed durations?
MIL finds a Tcrit for each pair of adjacent closed components. So, with three closed states giving rise to three exponential components, it finds Tcrit between the first two, and Tcrit between the last two. Tcrit is the point at which, if you cut off the tails of both distributions, you'd be cutting off the same number of events. The solution is approximate, using gradient descent, and occasionally it doesn't find the solution and leaves it blank.
In that paper, the longest Tcrit was chosen in order to exclude desensitized states and focus on the faster kinetics. Theoretically then, the number of component 2 events mistaken for component 1 should equal the number of component 1 events mistaken for component 2.
LL is roughly proportional to the number of events. I think they can look at the change in LL because their experiments generally have a similar number of events. I went over and asked; around 5, events; i. As you guessed, this number is arbitrary, based on their experience. The text report window shows several things including the previous LL. And we're kind of out of room to show e.
Instead, it's calculated by multiplying probability density matrices Qin et al whose elements are proportional to the rate constants. Now, if I wouldn't know from which starting model I obtained the simulated data file, how could I discriminate between the two tested models C-O-C actually the right one and C-C-O and tell which model fits data better?
The question about how to discriminate between models is more difficult. I think it has been proven, you can't discriminate between two models at equilibrium if they have the same number and color of states.
So you need to get it out of equilibrium, or use some other trick. If the channel binds to a ligand or something like ATP, one of the rates is a binding step that should be proportional to ligand concentration. Try recording the channel at different concentrations: the correct model should be the same at all concentrations, except for one rate that varies proportional to concentration.
Other things you can vary include voltage, pressure, and even point mutations. Also, you can use a stimulus to drive the channel into a particular state, then mark that as the start state in the model. If the models have loops cycles you can "Balance all loops" under model: properties: kinetic constraints. The simplest, if the amplitudes stay stable, is to type or "grab" them by hand, then use amplitude constraints to fix each class's amp and maybe std too. QuB 1.
If you see two indistinguishable classes in the idealization, you could use EditIdl to merge them into one. Or, idealize with a 2-color model, 3-color model, 4-color, Also, you can repair idealized data after the fact by selecting a piece, right-clicking, and "Fill Idl" -- it sets the whole selection to the class of your choice. Then to compute updated Results occupancy, etc. I've never undertaken kinetics analysis of single-channel data, so please excuse my most likely naive questions.
I would like to look at changes in open and close times for some glycine receptor data. My patches generally have double openings present and I have tried to excise these from the data using the delete function. When I used the erase function, I found that the "erased events" returned whenever I saved the data file. My first question is that when the data is idealized the amplitudes of the openings appear to be underestimated. Glycine receptors do exhibit sub-conductance states.
How do I model these correctly? Secondly, when the data is idealized, brief closures ie those that don't return completely to baseline are ignored. As a result, the closed times appear to be longer than they are. Is it possible to set some sort of threshold to recognize these brief closures? Sorry about the delete function. I've heard it doesn't always work right.
Instead, try "delete idl" leaves a gap in the idealization or "join idl" replaces selected idealization with the level at the beginning of the selection, e. Sublevels and brief closings can hopefully both be detected with a bigger model. For sublevels, add a state with a new color, e.
For brief closings, add a closed state, connected to the open state, with a really fast exit rate. The idealization is somewhat sensitive to rate constants, so it might get better as you tweak them.
Also experiment with the idealization options: "fix kinetics" rates , "fix amp", "fix std", and "re-estimate" if re-estimate is un-checked, all rates, amps and stds are fixed. Some missed events are okay. They're inevitable due to finite rise time in your equipment, so the rate constant optimizers MIL and MSL discard all events shorter than the cutoff "td" dead time , in the upper-right corner.
Then they adjust mathematically for their absence. If you really want to get the brief ones, though, you could try modeling them as their own color of substate, then use the "Edit Idl" button to change e. Search engine optimization SEO frequently makes use of Markov models to learn the characteristics of a body of text, for example, user comments on a forum. The trained model is then used to generate fake comments, which look realistic but are actually meaningless vehicles for link spam.
While QuB uses very similar mathematics, it is not well suited for SEO because our observed and simulated data consist of continuous numerical readings rather than discrete words or phonemes. Every submission is hand-screened, and will only be posted if it is relevant to QUB and molecular analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions. Name: Email: Subject:. Please explain your question below, and we'll do our best to get back to you. Question sent. We'll try our best to address it as funding allows. Have information to share on this topic? Add an answer Name: Email:. What are the units for rate constants? Voltage sensitivity and partial charge. I remembered you mention once that Vs in these formulas is defined as: Vs a. Temperature dependent rate constants? Does QuB allow for making the rate constants in a model dependent on temprature instead of just voltage and agonist concentrations?
I haven't found this in any software so far, but I would be interested in trying it. Do you know anything about this? Maybe we could do something like this by changing the formula that determines the dependence of the rate constants currently, voltage dependence. Is there any way to set a new formula for the rate constants?
Nonlinear ligand relationship? Is there a way one can specify more complicated relationship. In Cardiac modeling seems to be customary to have sigmoidal-like function for the kinetic rates Problems idealizing channel sublevels.
I'm triyng to analize single channel events from some chimeric receptors which show different amplitud levels. I started with a single model containig one closed1 state, one open2 state 5pA and an open3 state 2. The problem is that when qub idelizes the data it misunderstand some brief closings as if they were low amplitud events, that's because those closings don't reach the baseline. I hope to be clear with my question, and i don't know why the program connects both openings in that way even though the model.
I don't know if i'm losing some detail during idealization or something else How do Kinetic Constraints work? To keep the rate from state 4 to state 5 constant, add the constraint: fix rate 4 5 Exponential constraints k1 -- voltage sensitivity work the same way.
Constraining equal binding steps. In other words, if they are equal, they will stay equal, although they may vary together. Likewise, if one is double the other, it will stay double, though the actual numbers may change. How to model symmetrical ligand binding sites? Identical binding sites are usually modeled as a chain: 4k 3k 2k k 1 2 3 4 5 k' 2k' 3k' 4k' with all the binding rates proportional to each other, and maybe also with the unbinding rates.
How does QuB deal with microscopic reversability? When you change one rate, or during rate optimization, how does QuB deal with microscopic reversibility?
Constrain a rate within bounds? I was wondering how could i constraint rates for a model were once the receptor reached a full occupancy it can pass throw three pre-open states and opens from them to three different openings. What i need to constraint in some way are beta and alpha for each transition because i suppose that the frist opening should be less stable than the the second one, and this less stable than the third one Non-independent channels.
Is there a way within QuB to model several channels that are not independent due to positive or negative cooperativity? Something like making the transition rates for each channel dependent on the states of the other channels. Of course, it gets more confusing with several models. The mathematics are based on Roux and Sauve, and are given in the appendix of the original MIL paper Qin, Auerbach, Sachs , linked from here: www.
How are the errors given by QuB for the rate constants in the fitted models calculated? QuB gives a value called "k0. Is this standard deviation or SEM? I think k0. It is the square root of the diagonal of the inverted Hessian matrix of the log likelihood function. Fitting simultaneously at different voltages.
Do you know whether QuB allows for fitting simultaneously different recordings from the same patch at different voltages with the same model? MIL fitting with agonist.
QuB Classic: Open all three, right-click MIL, and choose "file list"; check the box next to each file, and enter its "Ligand" in the table: www. Advice for my channels? JGP May , vol , , Grosman et al. They have a couple core techniques: 1.
Circular re-estimation of idealization and rate constants: To start the process, highlight a short section with a few events, right click in the model background and "Grab all amps. Then alternate between A and B until everything is stable: run MIL -- if there are more humps in the histogram than states of that color, add a state and run again run Idealize with Re-estimation turned off SKM still on 2.
Some possibilities: "Stat" does all the same histograms and measurements that Idealize does, per burst, into the Results window after "Stat", in the Select tab of the Results window, plot e. Popen aka "occupancy 2" of all bursts, then use color to divide the list into low Popen, high Popen, and outliers.
Right-click in the color chooser to generate a new list of just one color bursts. Also see here. Modeling whole-cell currents from different protocols. Is it possible to estimate a markov model for an ionic current from a dataset comprising whole-cell currents recorded with different protocol voltage ladder with one and two pulses?
Can I group the 12 experiments in one dataset, specify a particular model topology and estimates the rates that best fit it? The algorithm is given here: Milescu, L.
I recommend trying QUB Express first; here are some videos of whole-cell analysis: www. Simulation method. How exactly are the single-channel currents simulated? Is there a paper that explains this? Have you used the same methods used by Blatz and Magleby ? So, is the only difference between these two programs the missed events correction method?
Its entry probability formulas assume the bursts are separated by longer closures, and can correct for this. PDF fitting to dwell time histograms. Extraction of QUB file. I want to read a. QUB file and convert it into a. How to run a script at startup? I was wondering if there was a way to launch the scripts at the launch of qub-express?
With this I could conceivably run experiments in qub-express completely from the command line. If you can find the qubx. Robot responsible, call its. Saving MacRates output traces. To save a large or arbitrary selection of data with its model-fit, use Tools:Extract. Both of these should be recordable in the Admin:Scripts panel. Model matrices: In the global namespace qubx. Matrix-related functions in qubx. QtoPe Q : returns the numpy. Computed signals: you can add an artificial signal computed from existing signals: in the Signals table, click "Add computed signal I was wondering if there is a way to calculate the net charge from macroscopic currents in qub?
We divide Duration by to convert from milliseconds to seconds. Of course, it's important to set the baseline correctly first. Defining voltage signal? I opened some data on QuBexpress and I am trying to optimise the rate constants of a model of these data. Thing is, QuB doesn't let me set my "voltage" signal the protocol that was used in the experiment and that I reproduced under simulation. How does it work?
The protocol in the Simulation panel is usually used for simulations, but it can also be used to add a voltage signal to an existing data data file. After building the simulation protocol, right-click the voltage waveform inside the Simulation panel and choose "Add signal to data file.
Verify that it is correct, then Save As, and continue analyzing the new file. In the original file, voltage is a live reflection of what's in the Simulation panel, but the saved copy preserves a snapshot of when it was saved. See this video: www. Chop IDL in recording with subconductance. I was thinking it might be possible to treat the recording as 2 individual channels, but could not figure out to what to do. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You might report only lines which match your criteria, e. Excluding clusters by pOpen? I don't know how to exclude for the MIL analysis those clusters which have a kinetic profile so far from the media. The criteria i'm used to make this selection is pOpen, but when i click the dot in the "occupancy 2" chart in order to unselect the corresponding cluster MIL is still making the kinetic analysis with the whole data Using QuB classic : To analyze just the segments you've colored red in "Results: Select", right-click the red square on the left edge and choose "Make selection list Delay in modeled Voltage.
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