Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter and special deals! April 21, at am Reply. Isuru Fernando says: Hello Rao, Thank you! Check them out. April 22, at pm Reply. Sandeep says: Veey Good explanation Isuru Sir.. June 29, at am Reply. Isuru Fernando says: Hi Sandeep! Good question. July 4, at am Reply. Regards, Hari. September 4, at am Reply. Isuru Fernando says: Hi Hari, Let me know more about the integration scenario and exactly where you are stuck.
September 10, at am Reply. All basis setup, proxy generation and PO configuration completed. We are getting below error.
Also anything we need to activate in SICF tcode? December 16, at pm Reply. Thanks, Sai. November 19, at am Reply. March 4, at am Reply. Umesh Kumar says: Hi Isuru, Thanks for this blog. March 19, at pm Reply. Isuru Fernando says: Great to hear that the article helped you! March 21, at am Reply. Umesh Kumar says: Hi isuru, Thanks. Kind Regards, Sifiso. April 14, at am Reply. Prameela says: Hi Isuru, Thanks for the info..
April 20, at pm Reply. Isuru Fernando says: Thank you for your kind words Prameela. I will try to write in the future. April 22, at am Reply. Or you can implement ABAP code via transaction se Similarly, we need a Communication Channel for Proxy Receiver.
The destination should be assigned to the Communication Channel. If you have any questions on the steps illustrated or Proxy Inbound interfaces, please leave a comment below! From the early days, I had a passion for coding, software development, and everything tech-related.
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Lost your password? In this communication channel file and directory name will be populated using variable substitution. For the final proxy call i. Batch file name will be populated in the second file communication channel using UDF dynamic configuration. Batch file will be triggered from command line from the second communication channel. Skip to Content Updated Rules of Engagement. We have made some improvements to the way all of us engage within SAP Community, namely how we share information, how we treat each other, and how we can continue to learn.
Former Member. December 21, 5 minute read. First create source data type for proxy structure and two target data types one for target file structure and another for batch file In source data type, three extra mandatory fields CurrentFileNo , TotalFileNo and filename apart from proxy structure needs to be added. CurrentFileNo to get current file number, TotalFileNo to get total number of file split and filename to get name of the file with timestamp.
The second target data type is created for batch file processing. All other target fields are mapped with source message according to the business rule. The mapping used for target message two for batch file creation are attached below: The target message uses DynamicConfiguration UDF for creating file name and directory in batch file communication channel.
Mapping logic for Target node of target message two batch file : Mapping logic for Line1: Display Queue for Line1, displays the batch file run time command: Mapping logic for Line2: Display Queue for Line2,displays the batch file run time command: Mapping logic for Line3: Display Queue for Line3, displays the batch file run time command: STEP 2 Create the configuration objects in ID comprising communication channels, receiver determination, interface determination, receiver agreement, value mapping objects and configuration scenario.
Two receiver communication channels of adapter type file are required, one for target file and another one for batch file processing. The first communication channel for main file is configured as: The target directory and file name scheme is provided by using variable substitution set in Advanced tab. The second communication channel for batch file is configured as: Here in Advanced tab the Adapter-Specific Message Attributes properties are enabled so that we can provide file name and directory from message mapping using UDF itself same as first communication channel.
The value mapping object is created in ID to get folder location of temporary folder: Now create the other configuration objects in conventional manner receiver determination, interface determination and receiver agreements for both receiver type communication channels.
Alert Moderator. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. Assigned Tags. Similar Blog Posts. Related Questions. You must be Logged on to comment or reply to a post. Like 0 Share. Right click and copy the link to share this comment. Anil Kumar. Under receiver TAB.