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If a loan is taken for more than 1 year and the rate of interest in varying for different years, you can directly use the formula given here to calculate the answer. What is the total amount that has to be paid at the end of 3 years? Put the values and get the answer. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Iklan Atas Artikel. Iklan Tengah Artikel 1. Iklan Tengah Artikel 2. Pages Home. In every competitive exam what makes you different from others is how fast and efficiently you do your maths.
And, efficiency comes by practicing more and more. However, if you want to do your math problems faster than others, then you need to use math tricks or more specifically Maths Shortcut Tricks. Therefore, these tricks will helps you to do math problems faster. So, here are 25 math chapters from where all questions of aptitude will come. We categorize all chapters in three sections here, i.
So, just pick your topic and start learning math tricks for your exams. Here in our website we try to provide some basic math shortcut tricks as well as math tricks for all important math chapters.
Firstly, try to remember all the basic tricks, because it will help you to do all math related problems very fast and efficiently. We also provide few questions and tricks on Roman Numeral and Puzzles. So, in the section below we discuss some Maths Shortcut Tricks of many math chapters.
And, these math topics will definitely be there in your every competitive exams.