Search google for tutorials on how to learn visual basic then start modifying the source code here. Sir, will u permit me to edit ur program? Sir, i would like to ask this situation, when i add my name as a user and i edit the user data in MS Access..
Sorry for the misconception but the admin checkbox in the user account under manage users do not relate to the code where only admin users are allowed to delete a record. I just embed the admin username in the source code to check if the current user is an admin or not. In this case if you want to delete the record based on the value of the checkbox in the user account you need to change the following code:.
If LCase CurrUser. So change the first line to determine if the current user is an admin user or not from the users table. Sir, i have a problem in your billing Sorry but I did not include the mode of payment in this system. Anyway the source code is there and you are free to edit it. Sir, good day Billing Software. Submitted by admin on Thursday, November 20, - Language Visual Basic. Account information username: admin password: a For the database password please read FAQ.
Tags visual basic billing cable tv. Reg: Download Hi, Download link is not available. Pls help. Download link restored Hi, Thanks for the information. Advice regarding a ticketing project Hey, i really am stuck. I need ur Hepl to Create a Database. How can i Contact U???
Project Help Itz better if i cud get ur ID so tht i can chat wid u on this. A Company takes Raw material of imitation jewellery from Market Vendor. Turns it into Finished Product.
And Returns tht product to the Market Vendor back. I need a Database to keep a track of this Transaction. The Raw material is parts of Ear rings like Diamonds,beads,Strings , etc Like wise itz for Neckless, pendents, bracelet,etc.
Like wise itz for Neckless, pendents, bracelet,etc Therefore, i want ur hepl to crate the Database. I wnt to knw wht shud be the Tables in it???
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You have any error or you don't understand project follow or any other problem. You can ask question. Complete they project perfectly. Convert text into Speech Text to speech project is a desktop application which is developed in VB platform Text to speech is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need User can add an delete employees user can update the system user can withdraw money from the bank account user can change bank deatails ie managers ,etc Ability to perform certain actions regarding electric bill generation, bill management, customer bill management, etc Online Food Ordering system This system works online verification.
In which you can order fruits online and buy fruits. This projects has capable to perform all the operations needed by electricity department. This project has been developed using VB. Net Windows Application. Cyber cafe management system project is a standaloneapplication which is developed in asp. Cyber cafe management. This project basically contains twotypes of users: The Client user is thecustomer for the cyber. He can login to the client system and start.
Cyber cafe billing System Project Asp. It can prove to bevery useful for C languages. Aidear is a family management project, functions include Education, project management. The main aim of this Online Crime Report. Cyber Cafe Management System is a real-time way to managethe client machines via monitoring and locking in order to process PC rentalswhich includes the ability to fully.