Change to the Debugging Tools for Windows folder. You can use the following sample commands to open the dump file. These commands assume the following:.
Sample 2. If you prefer the graphical version of the debugger instead of the command-line version, type the following command instead:. There are several commands that you can use to gather information in the dump file, including the following commands:. To display information about loaded drivers and other modules, use the lm command.
The lm N T command displays information in a format that is similar to the old! For help with other commands and for complete command syntax, see the debugging tools Help documentation. The debugging tools Help documentation can be found in the following location:. If you have symbol-related issues, use the Symchk utility to verify that the correct symbols are loaded correctly.
For more information about how to use Symchk, see Debugging with Symbols. After you identify the command that you must have to load memory dumps, you can create a batch file to examine a dump file. For example, create a batch file and name it Dump. Save it in the folder where the debugging tools are installed.
Type the following text in the batch file:. When you want to examine a dump file, type the following command to pass the dump file path to the batch file:.
Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. The detailed crash dump report is only provided in the paid version of this software. AppCrashView is a free and portable crash dump analyzer software for Windows. It is a simple utility software which displays information regarding application crashes.
It is done by fetching information from Windows Error Reporting files. It displays a list of processes which crashed in the upper panel of its interface. There you can view information like event name, event time, exception code, exception offset, fault module name, fault module version, etc.
To see detailed crash dump report, select a process name. It will display the crash report in the lower pane of its interface. This report includes event type, loaded modules dll files , error popups, report identifier, fault module timestamp, metadata hash, etc. You can choose columns to include in the output file. AppCrashView is another nice option for a crash dump analyzer in this list. It is lightweight and easy to use. WinCrashReport is another utility program which is used for analyzing crash dump.
For that, you need to keep it open on your system. As soon as an application crashes, it displays about the same on its interface. A table shows properties like exception code, exception address, product name, file version , etc.
Detailed information is displayed at the bottom of its interface, which includes complete crash report. Here, you can view thread ID, crash address, crash code bytes, strings in the stack, module list, full stack data, etc. You can view the crash report, and even save it in simple text format or HTML format; choice is yours.
Like many other crash dump analysis software, it also comes in portable version. You can add it to your system tray to easily access it. WhatIsHang is yet another crash dump analyzer software for Windows. As its name suggests, it basically analyzes the currently hung processes or applications and returns the crash report in real-time.
It displays the processes which currently stopped responding abruptly, with process name, process ID, thread ID, and process path. Please provide a copy of your System Information file. Select File, Export and give the file a name noting where it is located. Do not place the cursor within the body of the report before exporting the file.
The system creates a new System Information file each time system information is accessed. You need to allow a minute or two for the file to be fully populated before exporting a copy. Please upload the file to your OneDrive, share with everyone and post a link here. Reports in normal mode preferred. Please say if the report has been obtained in safe mode. The request for a copy of this file is additional to answering the question about make and model.
If the report is in a language other than English, please state the language. For help with OneDrive see paragraph 9. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help.