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All rights reserved. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc. Press 'Games and Apps'. From there, you will scroll until you find Minecraft. Delete the file called "Minecraft Title Update".
This will delete all the updates off of your version of Minecraft. You can also move the update onto another storage device. It usually takes 2 hours to redownload the newest update so this will save you time if you ever wish to. Load your game. Note that you will need the digital version of the game, as the disc version will send you to TU9. Because of this, you can also buy the disc if you want TU9.
Reduced the volume of the ghast sound effects. Increased the distance the ghast 's sound effect for shooting a fireball can be heard from. Increased the distance jukeboxes can be heard from. Improved lighting code performance. Added How To Play for the End and farming animals. Added HUD size options for both splitscreen and full screen modes. Added Reset Nether option to force regeneration of The Nether. This is helpful for older saves that didn't have a nether fortress.
Added a toggle for death messages. Added a toggle to hide or display the animated character in the User Interface. Allow individual splitscreen users to have their own settings for HUD. Wooden Slabs crafted during and after this update are now flammable. Existing slabs will act as stone slabs and will not be stackable with the flammable slabs. Fixes Fixed glitch that allowed the player to use a cape on any skin. Fixed fireballs causing a freeze while entering the Nether. Fixed crash with ender pearls.
Fix for cave spider size. Fixed experience orb pickup sound not having pitch variance. Fixed a crash when attaching glowstone to pistons. Fixed a render update problem on the end of world chunks. Stop the player animation for eating happening in the Change Skin menu Bugs Arrows from a bow cannot activate wooden buttons. Xbox Live Silver Members sometimes may not be able to load old saves and even new games in this update.
Some areas of a world are pitch black and are unable to be lit with torches. Oak wooden slabs will not catch fire or burn, but Birch and spruce slabs will catch fire and are flammable. Dispensers will not suck a liquid back into an empty bucket when given a redstone pulse, but rather dispense the bucket as an item instead.
Players not dying immediately after being blown up from a Creeper , instead being able to walk around for a short time before the death screen appears. Mobs will sometimes glitch through walls, or barriers. Vines cannot be climbed in some cases. Blowing up more than three TNT blocks at a time will slow down, and eventually crash, the game.
New photo frames for avatar items in the Minecraft Store. Experience now has proper sound effect and effects. Fixes Fix for random crash on Kick Player. Fix for a random crash on loading the tutorial. Fix for freeze when writing on a sign as an autosave starts. Fix for crash when attempting to enter an online enabled game session after losing connection to the Xbox LIVE service.
Performance improvement for the enchantment interface. Fix to display a message when monsters are nearby on trying to sleep in a bed. Fix for an issue causing blocks to reappear after being destroyed when the server is busy. Fix for experience orbs being invisible for a period of time when created. Fix to force a nether fortress, possibly parted or slivered, Blaze Spawner and Nether Wart to always be present in the Nether for a newly created world.
Fix for autosave not working when the host has gone into an idle state. Fix to increase the spawn rate for mooshrooms. Fix to player experience level display in two player vertical splitscreen mode.
Fix for Quick Move not being possible while holding something in the cursor. Fix for armor position on Bad Santa when sat down. Fix for magma cube hit boxes. Fix to show the aura of enchanted items for other players in an online game. Fix for tools enchanted with Unbreaking occasionally repairing themselves.
Changes to improve breeding — Love mode status is now network synchronized, and animals react more correctly if spawn limits are reached when breeding. Fix to allow the map to be displayed when the player has turned off Display Hand.
Fix for status effects being removed after using the nether portal. Fix for compass not pointing to the original spawn point after having been in the Nether. Fix to allow players to be able to eat food even if they are not allowed to build and mine. Fix to allow client players to toggle Custom Skin Animation. Fix for issue in splitscreen where it was possible to craft items without a player having the resources required.
Fix to remove the love mode tooltip when animals are unable to enter love mode. Change to moderator option description in the Host and Player Options. Fix for the submerged edge of the world emitting a faint light.
Fix for lighting issue with mobs in water. Fix to stop food being removed when feeding animals in creative Mode. Fix to stop bones being removed when taming wolves in creative Mode. Change to make baby wolves tame when born.
Fix for blaze rods not being identified as fuel for a furnace. Fix for issue with sky lighting values making bedrock layer fully lit. Bugs Entering the Nether may crash the game. Blocks may now disappear after placed when the server is busy.
Phases of the moon added In creative mode, hostile mobs don't go after the player, unless attacked. Potion brewing Potions Enchanting 1. Maximum level for enchantment is 30 instead of 50 1. Animal Breeding 1.
Villagers Villagers only appear as farmers and cannot trade, breed, or open doors. How to play: new section to brewing, enchantment, and breeding Fences now attach to adjacent blocks. Bugs The message notifying the player that monsters are nearby was not displaying, causing some to not be able to sleep in their beds without an explanation Although announced players cannot climb vines Some players cannot look in different directions after spawning Hotbar may not appear Hand may not appear, even when 'Display Hand' is on.
Beta 1. X Button Toggle to turn Void fog on and off. Fog is disabled by default. Void fog is dependent on the game's Hosts's settings. Option to disable HUD and appearance of player hand in graphics settings. Cakes are now stackable. Fence collision box decreased to size of fence block Golden apple recipe will use gold ingots in place of nuggets. Fixes Fix for renaming save files.
Fix for worlds created pre Missing golden apple and pumpkin seeds crafting recipes. Fix for respawning players appearing on maps while "Gamertag Display" is disabled. Fix for water and lava buckets in creative mode not having infinite uses as intended. Fix for mob generation code to spawn more animals in the world. Fix for chests being incorrectly lit and placed on worlds created before the 1. Fix for eating animation showing on players who weren't eating. Fix for chest lids not behaving properly.
Fix for game sounds not playing when player has an empty hand. Fix for mobs appearing to take damage when they aren't. Fix for Lever and fence gate sounds. Fix for Leader of the Pack achievement being incorrectly rewarded. Fix for Leaderboard stats. Fix for hitbox issues with glass panes and iron bars Fix for the small-character display turning green.
Fix for splitscreen players having settings set to zero. Fix for issues with rendering with clouds disabled, and rendering blocks at the edge of the map. Fix for splitscreen players not being able to mine in the tutorial. Fix for players not being able to Sprint in creative after saving in survival with a low hunger bar. Fix for PvP damage from arrows while PvP is disabled Fix for pressure plates not working correctly when activated.
Fix for the low food bar hint appearing during a creative game. Removed player shadow from the Host while Host Invisibility is enabled Fix for red flowers not spawning in world generation. Fix for paintings being pushed by pistons Fix to prevent players who can't eat due to Trust Players being turned off do not get exhausted. Fixed an issue with the interface disappearing after using the Facebook Share tool. Fix to limit the number of slimes, ghasts, and silverfish that can be spawned in the world.
Fix to prevent the cursor from going offscreen in creative mode. Added flying and sprint-flying to creative mode. Disabled achievements and leaderboard updates if the player is in Creative mode, or if the world has been previously saved in Creative mode. Food bar and hunger Eating animation Sprinting Added a character display when sprinting or flying. Added death messages. World type Superflat - the Nether is also flat in this world type.
Changed the TNT explosion sound. Changed the bow to have drawing and firing action. Added quick move to the dispenser. Added quick equip for armor to the inventory interface.
Added the blocking move with swords. Shears can now collect tall grass and the new vine. Improved chest model with a 3D lock, and opening and closing animation. Pressure plates can now be placed on fences. Changed all the text descriptions for food to show how much they refill the food bar.
User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay. The snout on pigs now protrude from their head. Skeletons now hold full size bows.
Animals no longer despawn which makes it possible to capture them. Zombies now drop rotten flesh instead of feathers. Updated some mob sounds. Environment Cloud height raised to the top of the map, so clouds can no longer phase through blocks. Cloud movement syncs with the game's time. Improved sunrise and sunset. Removed biomes - rainforest, seasonal forest, savanna, shrubland, and tundra.
Other 1. Added descriptions for Creative mode and sprinting to the How to Play menus. Tutorial World Changed the Tutorial world to enable the new terrain features in it. Added mini tutorial for sprinting in the Tutorial world. Added mini tutorial for eating in the Tutorial world.
Added music disc quests in the Tutorial world - players can search the world for the 12 chests , each containing one of the music discs that can be played in a jukebox.
This edition is no longer updated, but can still be purchased digitally or physically. Main article: Skin pack. Logo used from TU Part of their team made State of Emergency! That's right! First super early version of Minecraft Xbox : " archived. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Web page Store page. Version history Removed features Exclusive features. Coordinates Seed Tick. Controls Options Tutorials. Buckets and Signs now stack to Signs now give 3 on crafting Dispensers will now exempt liquids from a filled bucket when given a redstone but do not properly fill empty buckets with a dispensed liquid due to a bug.
New Gravel texture Nether Wart will now grow in the Overworld Stone button now requires one block of stone instead of two Trapdoors can be placed on half slabs and stairs Nether Brick can be crafted by using 4 nether brick items.
World generation Blacksmith buildings in villages now hold chests with loot of the same type as found in strongholds. Changed nether fortresses to make nether wart rooms more likely. Made Nether Wart spawn randomly whenever soul sand is generated in the Nether Mobs Increased the distance the ghast's sound effect for shooting a fireball can be heard from.
Reduced the volume of the ghast sound effects. Sheep can now regrow their wool by eating grass. Dropped items will spin around and are rendered in 3D Retextured leather armor to allow it to be dyed Crafting recipe for Ladder now yields 3 ladders instead of 2 Placing blocks on grass will replace it Lava now has a faint rumbling sound effect and large particles that hop out of the lava produce a popping sound Doors have been updated so that double doors work better with Redstone Build height limit changed from to Boats will now break when it hits land hard Slabs and stairs can be placed upside-down Boats and minecarts can be dispensed from a Dispenser Items can be placed directly on upside-down slabs and stairs Corner stairs automatically change its shape Texture updates for leather armor, bread, raw chicken, cooked chicken, raw beef, steak, raw porkchop, cooked porkchop, and apples.
Cocoa pods grow on jungle trees Abandoned mineshafts can generate with wooden bridges now when generated over a cave or overtop another tunnel Added rare drops for mobs Villagers will have children if there is room in their village Zombie sieges will occur occasionally at night Zombies can break doors down now When in the Nether, snow golems will melt and die Villagers now open and close doors.