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Microsoft Windows Home Server desktop. Screenshot of the Windows Home Server Dashboard. This is not an upgrade, but a new install. That missing ingredient generated an error message, which resulted in a reboot, which led to the same problem and error message.
In short, Windows Setup had entered an infinite loop. Escaping this catch is simple. Windows will unceremoniously dump you to the desktop, at which point you can install the chipset and the network drivers.
For us, after that little gotcha, the remainder of the installation process went smoothly. Windows Home Server configures a single drive into two partitions: a relatively small boot partition, and a larger data drive.
You no longer need to use a CD or a thumb drive to configure a client, though you can certainly set a system up using a CD if you want to. Instead, bring up a browser and type the following URL:. Launchpad is separate from Dashboard, so you can have different logins than your desktop system uses. The first time you do this, you actually run the Windows Home Server dashboard. You should set up a user account that is not the same as the system administrator account, and give it a different password.
This will allow you to work just with your own file shares. You can always launch Dashboard from Launchpad. The new admin Dashboard for WHS looks much like the old one. This separation of the WHS user login, your local system login, and the WHS server admin login simplifies matters considerably.
Configuring the streaming quality depends on your CPU performance. Please post all Windows Home Server related questions here. Sign in to vote. Tuesday, July 5, AM. Mike xxx. Phil P. If you find my comment helpful or if it answers your question, please mark it as such. Things are all set up now.
Thanks for prompting me to dig deeper into the other option. Mike, that's a bit odd. When I set up my WHS , I just chose the "use an existing domain" option and supplied my existing xxx. Tuesday, July 5, PM. I would add to this thread the fact that the online help from the "Use an existing domain" page also does not mention the possibility of homeserver.
Is it that WHS no longer offers that to new WHS users so this "backdoor" method of specifying an existing homeserver. Sunday, August 7, PM. Thanks for the info - I am just setting up WHS and "discovering" the same things - unfortunate that I cannot continue with both WHS 1 and WHS - I am keeping WHS 1 running and will use it for a common storage, but and extra set of backups, web pages and common file pool would have been really good if it was possible to have both running together!