More commuters in get to experience these short commute times than most other ZIP codes. It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment. There are 8 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code Toggle navigation. Search by ZIP, address, city, or county:. Current View Only. Close Print.
Land Area Estimated Population over Time. Under 5 85 Plus Male 92 Female Total 1, 1, 1, Male Female Total Under 5 1, 1, 1, 85 Plus 92 White 11, Head of Household by Age.
Owner Renter Total 20 1, 1, 1, 83 85 Plus 65 Families vs Singles. Households with Kids. Children by Age. Housing Type. In Occupied Housing Units 11, Year Housing was Built. Housing Occupancy. Vacancy Reasons. Owner Occupied Home Values. Rental Properties by Number of Rooms. Cost of a 1 Bedroom. Cost of a 2 Bedroom.
Employment Status. Average Household Income over Time. Household Income. Annual Individual Earnings. Average Income per Household by Income Source. Percentage of Arabs in Washington by City. Percentage of Czechs in Washington by City. Percentage of Danish in Washington by City. Percentage of Dutch in Washington by City.
Percentage of English in Washington by City. Percentage of French in Washington by City. Percentage of French Canadians in Washington by City. Percentage of Germans in Washington by City.
Percentage of Greeks in Washington by City. Percentage of Hungarians in Washington by City. Percentage of Irish in Washington by City.
Percentage of Italians in Washington by City. Percentage of Lithuanians in Washington by City. Percentage of Norwegians in Washington by City. Percentage of Poles in Washington by City. Percentage of Portuguese in Washington by City. Percentage of Russians in Washington by City. Percentage of Scotts in Washington by City. Percentage of Slovaks in Washington by City.
Percentage of Swedes in Washington by City. Percentage of Swiss in Washington by City. Percentage of Ukrainians in Washington by City. Percentage of Welsh in Washington by City. Percentage of West Indians in Washington by City. Percentage of Population in Military in Washington by City. Percentage of Government Employees in Washington by City. Unemployment Rate in Washington by City. Percentage of Population employed in Agriculture in Washington by City. Percentage of Population employed in Construction in Washington by City.
Percentage of Population employed in Manufacturing in Washington by City. Percentage of Population employed in Retail in Washington by City. Percentage of Population employed in Transportation in Washington by City. Median Household Income in Washington by City. Average Income per Person in Washington by City. Average Commute Time in Washington by City. Percentage of Detached Homes in Washington by City. Percentage of Households heated by Electricity in Washington by City.
Percentage of Households heated by Wood in Washington by City. Percentage of Households heated by Solar in Washington by City. Percentage of Properties without a Mortgage in Washington by City. Percentage of Households with at least one Vehicle in Washington by City. Percentage of Households with at least two Vehicles in Washington by City. Database Download.