Duke undergraduate handbook

Note: incoming students receive their award letters directly from the Graduate School as part of our offer of admission. The standard package of graduate student support in the English department does not cover the summer months in years Please note that Duke has promised month funding beginning in summer , but we have no details at this time as to how that will be disbursed.

A word of caution, though, for students in the third year and beyond: if you elect to work at Perkins Library, the Gothic Bookstore, or any other place outside the English Department, this will involve a change in your payroll status.

Please notify the FS before you begin working. In recent years, we have been able to fund a final year free of teaching responsibilities usually the 6 th year but for some students the 5 th so that you may focus on completing your dissertation. Sixth year funding is not guaranteed as part of the funding package.

Funding for this year has been made possible through the Graduate School, external, and departmental endowed fellowships for which you apply in the previous year. Note that the purpose of dissertation completion fellowships is to allow you to work full time on your dissertation.

If your fellowship award includes payment of tuition and fees, those charges will be automatically covered by the financial aid office of the Graduate School. Every summer, the Graduate School Financial Aid office gives the Bursar information about paying tuition and fees. If you are in years and you opt to take the health insurance provided through Duke and you are fully funded through the Graduate School, the English department or an external source, your health insurance will also be paid automatically through your bursar account.

Your bill is generated by the Bursar's Office as a matter of routine billing and may be generated before the Financial Aid office reports funding information to the Bursar. The people in the Bursar's Office know that the Graduate School will pay the tuition and fees and health insurance where applicable , so you will NOT be held responsible for them.

Thus, you should only pay any other fees that the University is not responsible for paying. The University pays your health fee, student services fee, activity fee, and recreation fee years only.

Thus, it is important to notify the DGSA as soon as you become aware of any outstanding charges for which the University is responsible. Stipends are considered noncompensatory payments. These checks will be paid to you on the last business day of the month, beginning in September and ending in May. If the last day of the month falls on a weekend or. Check issuing schedules also vary around the Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. If you have questions about when to expect a stipend check, see the FS.

Payments for teaching and research assistantships are considered compensatory. Salary payments will paid to you on the 25 th of each month you work generally September through April, though research assistantships may continue during the summer.

Note for rising 3 rd year students: Once you take on TAing or teaching responsibilities, your funding has to be separated between stipend and salary. Beginning in September of your third year, you will receive two checks per month, a salary check on the 25th of each month and a stipend check on the last day of the month.

However, in order to make sure you get your salary check, you will need to complete some forms see the FS -- including tax-withholding forms. These forms should be completed before you leave for the summer following your second year.

You must bring either your passport or your driver's license and social security card these are required documents we have to see in order to complete the forms to the FS.

You are required by Payroll to have your stipend and salary checks deposited directly to your bank account. You can set up direct deposit for your stipend checks noncompensatory payments in the DukeHub system. They are considered two separate payrolls. Be sure you mark the correct box on the form for the payroll you wish deposited.

For stipend payments, check the noncompensatory box. The University considers you to be a student, not an employee, even though you may be paid on a payroll. Your stipend checks non-compensatory payroll must be reported on your taxes as income, but there are no withholding or reporting requirements to the University.

IRS Publication www. You may list your health insurance, along with books, supplies and equipment, and this money should be reimbursed to you by the government. Your salary checks compensatory payroll must also be reported on your taxes as income. Taxes are withheld from these checks according to the tax forms you complete. In January of each year, you will receive a W2 statement which provides the amount of salary you earned and the taxes you paid during the previous year.

If you received salary checks and do not receive a W2 form by January 31 of the following year, please alert the FS immediately. If you are an international student, you must meet with the International Office to have your tax status determined before going on payroll.

International students should ENSURE that their forms have been properly filed with Payroll by August 21 date may vary slightly in order to receive their first check. All students are required to carry health insurance. The Graduate School pays health insurance for all students fully funded through the Graduate School, the English department or through external sources. Note for students beyond year six who must cover their own health insurance: If you are being paid a salary through the compensatory payroll, you may sign up for academic year payroll deduction for health insurance.

The payroll deduction authorization webform is available at. Please note that unless you have summer funding, payment of your health fee will give you access to services at the Student Health Center during the academic year only your health insurance is year-round, however. If you are staying in Durham over the summer and wish to access healthcare, you have a few options:. Like outside funding agencies, the Department of English and Graduate School put restrictions on other teaching, research, and advising jobs you can pick up in addition to the stipend or fellowship received from the Graduate School, your work at the Thompson Center, or department-based fellowships.

You must request permission from the DGS before agreeing to take on either extra or substitute work assignments elsewhere on campus. Being a student is your full-time job; therefore, you are expected to work no more than We have designed teaching assignments to fit into this time constraint.

It is sometimes possible to take on TAships outside the department as a replacement for a TAship in the department, provided that the department has covered its internal responsibilities. The Graduate School offers several fellowships for which the English department may nominate advanced students. These fellowships include the following:.

Know that if you are researching out of residence, the department cannot pay for or give liability for the use of non-Duke libraries. The English Department offers several named fellowships for which you may apply.

Lievsay Fellowship, the Ashbel G. Priority for these fellowships will be given to students going into year six who have applied for a Grad School fellowship for their sixth year. All fellowships are for one year and provide stipends equivalent to the current annual funding amount. To apply, send a dissertation proposal and a timetable for completion to the DGS.

The tentative application deadline for fellowships is Friday, April 1, Recipients will be notified in May. Note: due to the pandemic, the conference funding program has been limited to online conferences. The Grad School has announced that funding for pre-approved travel will resume for conferences being held after October, 1, These grants are available only if you are giving a paper at a conference.

Only one graduate conference total can be submitted for grant funding by any individual student during the pre-prelim period. The fiscal year runs July 1 — June In addition to the completed conference travel application, you will need to give the DGSA a brief letter of intent and an abstract of the paper that will be presented. During your conference trip, keep all your receipts and confirmations of payment.

If available, make sure you keep your boarding pass for proof of your travel. Expenses without receipts will not be reimbursed. Allowable travel expenses include: airfare, train or bus fare, taxi fares, mileage if you use your own car , meals, lodging, and the conference registration fee. If you travel with another student and share expenses, be sure to make a copy of shared receipts and indicate the name of the student who will be submitting the originals.

When you return from your trip, you should have received an emailed link from the DGSA to accept a DukeBox folder set up for your conference travel. If not, please check your spam folder.

Your original application will be pre-loaded to the folder. Your next step will be to upload your receipts as PDFs to this folder. To apply, go to. In addition to the completed conference travel application, you will need to submit a brief letter of intent and an abstract of the paper that will be presented.

Your original application and approval letter from the Graduate School will be pre-loaded to the folder. You must be a current member of MLA the deadline to join the association or to renew membership in order to qualify for the grant is December 1, You may apply for this award once.

Trip receipts must be submitted to qualify for this grant. Any one student may qualify for this grant once; support for another year depends on available funds.

A small number of awards for domestic or international dissertation research are granted annually by the Graduate School. Application times will be announced by the DGS. Each year the DGS asks the graduate students to convene and elect two representatives, one pre-prelim and one post-prelim, to serve on the committee. Students meet with the DGS once a semester to address their questions and concerns. Students are encouraged to attend all Department events, to help our during recruitment week, and to attend hiring talks and receptions.

Students whose field interests are similar to the candidates may be included in other events. It has been common practice for students to convene at the end of the process and write a letter or letters of opinion addressed to the Chair. The Chair may distribute this letter or letters at the faculty meeting where the candidates are discussed. Because helping you to get a teaching job is an important aspect of our program, the English Department is committed to providing placement support.

The Department offers full support for up to two years or until a tenure track job is obtained, whichever comes first. This support includes advice, assistance with preparing your application materials cv, application letter, and abstract , coaching for interviewing and giving job talks, providing you with job information, and mailing dossiers through Interfolio.

The department will provide you with a sponsorship package through Interfolio for each department-supported year you are on the market. You are also eligible for the Departmental Placement Grant see H-xv. Each year, a faculty member serves as Placement Officer. At the end of each spring semester, there is a placement meeting to inform students at all levels of the program on how to prepare for their academic job searches.

In the fall term, the Placement Officer runs a weekly placement workshop to help students prepare application documents and practice interviewing. In addition, the Placement Officer and the Graduate Studies office can help jobseekers set up practice job talks and teaching demonstrations. The DGSA will collect your information, assist you in creating a profile in Interfolio, upload your letters of recommendation in to Interfolio when needed and send you copies of job announcements.

You may apply for a leave of absence from the program for up to two semesters. Permission needs to be obtained from the DGS and approved by the Associate Dean before the beginning of the semester of leave. Leaves of absence are granted only for medical and personal reasons or to enable a student to take advantage of important fellowship opportunities. They are never granted to complete or continue academic studies that are part of the routine requirements of the English department program.

In order to be eligible for leave, you must be in good academic standing. You do not pay any fees while on an approved leave. The Graduate School will assist you in applying for a US visa. The U. Department of State DOS has a website designed to answer all your questions about the visa process.

The website provides information on all aspects of the visa process , step-by-step instructions on applying for a visa, and links to DOS Web pages with updates on policy and procedural changes. A department lounge is located in Allen for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate student use.

A refrigerator, microwave, and toaster oven are available for your use. We also have a small collection of books which may be read in the lounge or checked out through the DGSA.

Graduate student mailboxes are located inside this room. It is open during the week from am to pm. This section details the responsibilities of several key people and offices in the program. It is designed to help you become familiar with these people and some of the resources they provide. For all questions regarding course requirements, extensions of deadlines for submitting papers in a course, permission to take an Incomplete, and examinations in a course, you should consult your instructors.

If there are differences that cannot be resolved or if an instructor cannot be reached, consult the DGS on how to proceed. All entering students are assigned both a faculty and a student advisor who can offer advice and counsel to you on an individual basis.

Your faculty advisor is expected to meet regularly with you and at least once a term, especially during the registration period. You are encouraged to make an appointment with your faculty advisor soon after arriving on campus.

Student advisors are an indispensable part of the passing along of student wisdom, as well as an integral part of your initiation into the culture of the graduate program. Once your prelim committee is formed, the committee chair becomes your primary advisor. The DGS is always available as a back-up advisor. In addition to individual sessions with your advisors, you will want to participate in the annual meetings which the DGS holds with all the students in your class year.

These meetings are designed to inform you of teaching assignments and guide you through the various stages. The DGS is responsible for administering departmental regulations regarding graduate study and for ensuring that they are in accord with Graduate School requirements.

She is available during the week am to pm to assist you with academic matters. She is also a resource person who can provide you with information and direct you to the appropriate people and DukeHub for help. You may contact Maryscot Mullins, the DGSA, by calling and leaving a message or emailing her at mmullins duke. The DGSA is responsible for the following:. Lisa Olds is responsible for handling all financial matters of the department.

She is available weekdays, from am to pm, to answer any questions you may have about stipend or salary checks, reimbursements, travel grants, or other financial concerns.

You may contact her at lisa. Once the preliminary examination committee has been formed, the chair of this committee becomes your principal academic advisor. He or she and the DGS should be consulted on all questions regarding areas of concentrated study, the topic of the dissertation, and the manner of proceeding with it.

Other committee members may serve as advisors as well. All committees must be approved by the Graduate School. The preliminary exam committee must be approved at least 60 days prior to the preliminary exam.

All members of the committee must be approved members of the Graduate Faculty. In concert with the DGS, student consultants are appointed each year. Comer then assigns consultants to their sections and schedules teaching hours. On all matters related to the Thompson Writing Program, she is the person to consult. You may contact her at , comerd duke. If you will be working in the Writing Studio, then you will be working with Eliana Schonberg, , eliana.

Helene McAdams of the Graduate School is responsible for all routine registration and certification procedures. You may contact her at or helene. Daniel Heflin is responsible for all graduate student financial aid.

He can answer questions and advise you on financial aid matters. He can also provide you with emergency loans. You can contact Daniel at or daniel. Associate Dean John Klingensmith is responsible for formulating and administering university policies on graduate study. He is the final authority on the enforcement of Graduate School regulations. He receives from. You should not petition Dean Paula McClain for redress of grievances until you have exhausted all other means.

The procedure to follow is to consult first with the instructor respecting difficulties that may have arisen in courses, with the committee chair respecting the preliminary examination or the dissertation itself, with the DGS respecting any such difficulties that remain unresolved or any others that are his or her primary responsibility, and finally with the Chair of the Department if these difficulties persist.

Further problems may then be referred to the Graduate School, but first to Associate Dean Klingensmith before referral to the Dean. You may contact John Klingensmith at Denise Leathers is his assistant: denise. The central mission of the Office of Graduate Student Affairs GSA is to enhance the quality of graduate student life by working closely with individual students, student organizations, faculty, and other campus offices.

The aim is to provide a broad array of programs on issues related to graduate student life such as health, safety, harassment prevention, housing, mentoring, and professional development. GSA also has a particular role in establishing support services that address the specific needs of students from different ethnic backgrounds, international students, gay and lesbian students, students with disabilities, women, and other groups. This office is committed to helping students become active participants in the Duke.

University community. You may contact this office at or grad-gsa duke. She loves working with students and endeavors to stay in touch with your needs and interests. She is available to assist you with any library needs you might have. You may contact her by phone or by email arianne. Contact me with any research problem--no question is too small, too silly, or too big. We can talk through email or set up an appointment to discuss your research questions.

Tired of your students' bibliographies being composed entirely of citations gleaned from a Google search? I can help! Sessions can take an entire class period or more, but even half an hour gets results. Possible topics might include navigating library databases, evaluating sources, using citation management tools, finding book reviews, and more.

Sign up for the desired number of credits. You cannot register for Research through the English department. MA Requirements. Total of 30 units including:. Note: Courses that fulfill credit requirements for the MA degree must be attributed to your Graduate School record and cannot simultaneously count towards your law degree credit requirements.

Please note that joint degrees are interdependent. If the full requirements of both degrees are not met, you will not receive either degree. The Graduate School requires you to apply for graduation in DukeHub during the semester in which you are graduating: typically January 25 for a May degree, June 15 for a September degree, and October 15 for a December degree.

You will not receive a degree unless you apply to graduate. There is no penalty for filing and then changing your plans. However, a form filed for one semester does not carry over to the next semester. Student Handbook. Definitions In this manual, position titles have been used in place of names. In English. English Program and Course of Study. Course Requirements During the course of your degree, you should expect to be exposed to Materials from different centuries; Texts not only from both the British and American national literatures but also from Anglophone literature; A range of literary genres, media, and cultural studies; At least one course in which theory is the central subject.

Registration It is vital that you register every semester. Tutorials and Independent Studies An independent study is an individualized course of study between one student and a professor. The following criteria must be met in order for the DGS to approve the independent study: As a general rule, only one independent study or tutorial may be used to count towards the 11 course requirement for the Ph. The reading and writing requirements for an independent study or tutorial must be at least equivalent to what would be required in a full graduate course.

The independent study or tutorial must meet a minimum of once every two weeks. The independent study or tutorial should not duplicate English department course offerings that academic year. An indication for each student of whether you want to count the independent study or tutorial for course credit — remember only one independent study or tutorial can count towards the 11 course requirement of the Ph.

Annual Reviews of Progress Toward the Ph. Annual Review of Progress After Successful Completion of the Preliminary Exam Once you have passed your preliminary exam, you are responsible for your timely progress towards completion of the dissertation.

Foreign Language Requirement. Purpose Passing the preliminary exam qualifies you to move on to writing your dissertation. An explanation of how their expertise facilitates your dissertation project a sentence or two is fine. Which faculty on the committee represent your major research area? They should be more than half of your committee. Who represents your minor research area s? They call this person the Minor Area Representative or MAR , a designation that may or may not have anything to do with the minor areas of your exam.

The MAR is usually the person whose work is farthest from your own field. Format and Scheduling Prelim exams consist of two written examinations, one on the major and one on the two minor areas of concentration, followed by an oral exam. Defining Major and Minor Fields of Study You are responsible for working up the three areas of study in consultation with your committee. Areas of study are generally drawn from the following categories: major authors and works in the period, genre, or topic; major literary and critical debates and trends in the literature of the period, genre, or topic and in scholarly studies of the literature; the general history of the literary period; the development of key genres within the period; major bibliographical, historical, and critical tools for study in the period, genre, or topic; selected works of minor writers in the period, genre, or topic.

They too must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Graduate School, who appoints the committee. Consult with your director and committee members to make sure you understand the expectations for their respective sections of the exam, as well as for its oral component.

Consult with the DGSA about the mechanisms of exam distribution and collection. Responsible Conduct of Research Requirements. Topic and Committee Based on the feedback you receive from your preliminary exams and in consultation with your director and perhaps other faculty , you should formulate a dissertation topic in the months immediately following completion and the preliminary exam.

Dissertation Chapter Meeting Within six months of passing preliminary exams, or by the end of the fourth year at the latest, you are required to have a chapter meeting with your committee.

Application for Graduation By applying for graduation, you inform the Graduate School that you are planning to graduate in a given semester. Committee Approval Form Your committee in DukeHub must match the committee that will be present at your dissertation defense, or you will not be permitted to defend.

Advisor Letter and Defense Announcement In addition to submitting your dissertation electronically, you are required to submit a Departmental Defense Announcement and an Advisor Letter to the Graduate School stating that your dissertation is complete and ready to defend. Submit one Dissertation Title Signature page with original signatures of each committee member to the Graduate School. Submit one Abstract Title Signature page with original signatures of each committee member to the Graduate School.

NOTE: If your exam is held less than 30 days before the semester deadline for completion of requirements, you must adhere to the semester deadline. If, at the end of the semester or term, you cannot meet the submission deadline, you will be required to register for the ensuing semester in which you will receive your degree.

You will receive notification when the Graduate School has accepted your dissertation and you have been cleared for the Ph. Most students have been funded for this year with Graduate School, external Ford, Mellon, etc. Teaching Apprenticeships TAPs During the course of your study here, you will have the opportunity to do two teaching apprenticeships.

The meeting is held in time for full titles and descriptions to be included in the appropriate course schedule. This written report should be given to the DGS for inclusion in your teaching dossier. Summer Funding The standard package of graduate student support in the English department does not cover the summer months in years Sixth or Final Year Funding In recent years, we have been able to fund a final year free of teaching responsibilities usually the 6 th year but for some students the 5 th so that you may focus on completing your dissertation.

Bursar Bill If your fellowship award includes payment of tuition and fees, those charges will be automatically covered by the financial aid office of the Graduate School. If the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, checks will arrive early. Direct Deposit You are required by Payroll to have your stipend and salary checks deposited directly to your bank account.

Taxes The University considers you to be a student, not an employee, even though you may be paid on a payroll. Health Insurance All students are required to carry health insurance. Working During the Academic Year Like outside funding agencies, the Department of English and Graduate School put restrictions on other teaching, research, and advising jobs you can pick up in addition to the stipend or fellowship received from the Graduate School, your work at the Thompson Center, or department-based fellowships.

Graduate School Fellowships for Advanced Students The Graduate School offers several fellowships for which the English department may nominate advanced students. These fellowships include the following: JB Duke International Fellowship: Provides one year of stipend support for one or two advanced students to do research abroad. You must be doing dissertation research abroad for the term of the award. Each department may nominate up to two students per year. Stern Dissertation Year: Awarded to students in the write-up stage of their dissertations.

You must be an advanced graduate student with your dissertation within sight of completion and all other degree requirements met. You are expected to be in your final year at Duke. Price Dissertation Fellowship: The Price Fellowship is intended for students who have 1 passed their preliminary examinations, and 2 are actively engaged in the process of research for their dissertation project.

It is not intended to support the writing of an already fully researched dissertation. Evan Frankel Fellowship for Students in the Humanities: The Frankel fellowship will be awarded to advanced humanities students in the write-up stage of their dissertation.

This support provides an annual stipend equivalent to the Graduate School minimum stipend established each year , as well as tuition, health and recreation fees. In addition, the Graduate School will pay the health insurance premium for recipients who enroll in the Duke student medical insurance plan.

Anne Firor Scott Public Scholarship Fellowshi p: Supports one advanced graduate student with a strong interest in carrying out dissertation research that connects with broader public constituencies thorough innovative forms of scholarly publication including digital projects or the use of social media or forms of community engagement and advocacy. Ottis Green Fellowship: Open to all Ph. D students but preference is given to those who have participated in the Preparing Future Faculty or Certificate in College Teaching Programs.

For the latest updates about returning to campus for Spring Semester , visit the Duke United website. Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Members of the Student Conduct Board undergo training yearly in preparation for their role as panelists in a hearing to consider whether a student or group violated a university policy; and, if so, determine appropriate an appropriate sanction s.

We encourage honesty, integrity, and respect within the undergraduate community as promoted by our honor code, the Duke Community Standard. Want to report a possible violation of university policy?

Click here. To file a report anonymously, click here.


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