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Beyond that, his plan involved no gimmicks, scales, calorie counting, or point systems. And there were no so-called forbidden foods—he ate mostly home-cooked meals that were as varied and satisfying as they were delicious. He called this plan Vegan Before VB6 for short , and the results were swift and impressive.

Best of all, they proved to be lasting and sustainable over the long haul. Bittman lost 35 pounds and saw all of his blood numbers move in the right direction. Using extensive scientific evidence to support his plan, the acclaimed cookbook author and food policy columnist shows why his VB6 approach succeeds when so many other regimens not only fail, but can actually lead to unwanted weight gain.

He then provides all the necessary tools for making the switch to a flexitarian diet: lists for stocking the pantry, strategies for eating away from home in a variety of situations, pointers for making cooking on a daily basis both convenient and enjoyable, and a complete day eating plan showing VB6 in action.

Finally, Bittman provides more than 60 recipes for vegan breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, as well as non-vegan dinners that embrace the spirit of a vegetable- and grain-forward diet. You are looking for Ebook VB6? You will be happy to know now. With our online resources, you can find VB6 or any type of ebook, for any type of product. Read online VB6 eBook Here. To start downloading, you must first log in you already have an account , if you don not have an account then you must first register.

Written in Visual Basic Microsoft provides both Microsoft Visual Basic Script Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the Microsoft Word Note: Microsoft Excel is Windows Mac. Windows Users' choice Microsoft visual basic 6. Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs. Menu Skip to right header navigation Skip to main content Skip to secondary navigation Skip to primary sidebar Skip to secondary sidebar Free Visual Basic.

NET Books. Download free Visual Basic. NET books online. Events are recognized by various controls but are handled by the application code. The code that is provided to the control can be called as a sub routine. The sub routine determines how a control reacts to an event so it is called as an event handler to write an event handler for a control, follow the below steps: 1 Switch to the code window by selecting particular control and press F7.

The combination of control name and events name specifies that the user is going to write an event handler for a particular control. The code inside a control will never execute if the event takes place the quality makes visual basic a very responsive system. A few common events: - 1 Mouse events: - a click, double click: Click event takes place when the user clicks the left mouse button. The double click events take place when the user double clicks the mouse button.

Mouse up event takes place when the mouse left button is released. Key up events takes place when the key is released. You can use got focus event for editing. You can use lost focus event to validate the data entered by the user. You can also move from one control to another control using set focus method. Methods are the actions that the Object can carry out.

In other words methods are the action of an Object. For example: - The methods of VCR are play, rewind fast forward etc. If the control is a list box then clear method removes all times from the list box.

For example: - To add item in the text box namely countries. Example: - Countries. To apply a method to a control simply just write the name of the control followed by a dot. A form is a top level Object in visual basic every application developed in VB starts with form when a VB application is executing each window is a form. To the right end of the title bar there are three buttons minimize, maximize and close the control menu contains the following commands.

Form Methods: A form cans the in one of following states. Show methods: Show methods of form bring the specified form on the screen. Models Form: A models form takes allows the user to choose any form without closing it. If you do not specifies the value for made option, then the show method displays the form as modeless. Hide method: This method removes a form from the screen but does not unload it.

The general syntax is form name wide , when a form is hidden a user control interact with it. Events of form: - 1 activate: - This event occurs when the form becomes the active window. A form will become in active when the user switches his focus to some other form either by clicking or by using show methods or set focus method.

A form will become inactive when the user switches his focus to some other form. The code that is present under this event generally include initialization code for a form default setting for controls, contents to be loaded into combo box or list box. Setting Form Properties: Event Object in VB has its own properties since a form is also a top level Object it has its own properties to set properties to a specific form follow the steps.

It means it can be set at run time and not yet design time. Important properties of forms: - 1 Window property: - This property is responsible when the form starts up it has three options.

They are 0-normal this will open the form in normal state. But it effects the color of text you point on the form. When you double click on this property colour palates is opens from which you can select the required colors 6 Width property: - Changes the width of the form. This is also set by dragging forms borders in design view. You can also set the height by dragging forms borders in design view.

If settled to false users cannot maximize the form. If set to false users cannot minimize the forms. It will become invisible along with this three buttons in the right of the title bar also become invisible. Font bold: - It takes Boolean values and sets bold font. Font Italic: - It takes Boolean values and sets italic font style. Font name: - Sets the specified font. Font size: - Sets the size of the font.

Font underline: - Underlines the font. Font strike threw: - Strikes the font with a line. Border style property: - This property sets the style of the forms borders.

This property can take one of the following values. This property is useful if there are twenty to thirty forms in your application. Circle x, as single, y, as single, x2 as single End Sub Set: sets the pixel on an Object. Cls End sub. Integrated Development environment: IDE is a term commonly used in programming world. It stands for integrated development environment. This word describes the interface and environment used to create applications.

It is called integrated because you can access all the development tools needed for one screen. Visual basic is not just a language but also provides an IDE in which you can develop run, test and debug your applications.

Once you start VB you will see, a window which will ask you to select type of project. Project: A project is an application which you develop using IDE. The different types of projects you can develop are: 1 Standard EXE: A standard exe project is a typical application. Most of the projects developed in VB are standard exe projects.

This two types of projects are identical in functionality but are packed differently. Use this type of projects to develop your own active x controls. Menu bar: Menu bar contains the command use full to work with VB. The basic a menus available in the menu bar are a. File menu: It contains commands for opening and saving projects.

It also contains commands for listing recent projects and for creating executable files. Edit menu: It contains commands like undo, copy, cut, paste, redo….. View menu: Contains commands for showing or hiding components of IDE. Project menu: Contains commands that add components to the current project. Format menu: Contains commands for aligning the controls on the form.

Run menu: Contains the start, break, end, application commands. Debug menu: Contains debugging commands. Tools: Contains tools which are helped in building active x components. Help: Contains information which will help you to work with VB. Tool bar types: Tool bar gives quick access to menu commands.

To open and close toolbars. Choose view tool bars. Project Explorer: The window titled as project is the project explorer, which displays the components of the project. Tool bar: Toolbar contains icons of the control. The can be placed on a form to create an application. To place a control first selects it with the mouse over the Form. Instead of crowding a tool box with all the controls you need for a project you can create several tabs with icons o tool box and organize the controls according to them.

To add a new tab to the tool box follow the steps. Right click on the tool box to open the pop up menu 2. VB displays a new tab button on the tool box.

Selected the components option and VB displays a list of all active x controls installed on your system. To add the required active x controls to the tab check big in front of the names f the control. Form designer: The form designer is the main window which appears in the middle of the screen and in it you can design and edit the application.

The same window displays a text editor in which you can enter the application code so the form designer tool displays two windows.

The Form Window 2. The Code Window To switch between the two windows choose an icon in the project explorer namely view code to open the code window or choose view Object to open the specified form. Properties window: Properties window to contain a set of properties for the selected Object or controls properties are the character sticks of an Object such as its size, caption, color and soon you can open the properties window for a particular Object by selecting it and choosing view properties from the menu bar.

You can also change the appearance of the Object on the form through properties window. Properties can be Object characteristics or attributes every Object in the tool box has their own properties.

A property for an Object can be set either at design time or at run time. To set the properties at run time we generally use dot notations.

The general form of dot notation Object name property name value. If it is string enclose it with in quotation. For example: Form 1. It cannot be set at run time some properties are available only at run time. To set property at design time press F4 keys after selecting the Object. Some of the common properties in every Object available are: 1 Name: - It set the Object name through which the Object can be manipulated.

These values determine whether user can manipulate the Object or not. This value determines whether user can see the Object or not. Object browser window: Object browser allows the user to browse through various methods, events, properties, that are available for a particular Object. You can access Object browser from view menu or by pressing F2 key Object browser provides the following information on both in Objects and custom Objects 1. Classes 2. Methods 3. Events 4. Properties 5.

Constant values Components of Object browser: 1. EX: you must choose word project from the project library drop don list which immediately displays all the Objects of that project. Class list: It shows the available classes for the project selected in project library drop down list. Members of list: Displays the available numbers for the class list that is method, constants, events, properties are the members of the class list.

Search text box: In this text box enter the string you want to search for. Show definition button: Click this button to display code window for the Object selected in the class list. Navigating with Object browser: a. First activate the Object browser by selecting view Object browser from the menu bar or press F2 key.

In the project library drop down list select the name of the project that you want to view. In the class list select the class you to work with. If you want to work with a particular member of the class select in the members of the list. You can view the information about the member selected at the button of the browser window. Its purpose is to simply give the user model i. This window is also useful for knowing how the form looks when your application is running.

To open the form layout window choose, view form layout window from the menu bar. Once the form layout window is opened click the form in the form layout window and move it to the center.

You can examine or change the values of the application variables. It is one of the reasons for the popularity of VB. It let you to step into the application code change the value of the variables and even insert statements in the code and then continue the execution application. Customizing the tool bar: One of the main features in the IDE is the availability of the tool bars. If you are really confused with all tool bars you can customize these tool bars as follows.

Moving a toolbox button: If you want to move some buttons on the toolbar. Follow these steps: 1 Right click the menu bar or tool bar at the top of the screen. Removing and Adding a menu item: If the tool bar does not contain short cuts you want, then you customize them further to get what you want, 1 Right click the menu bar or tool bar at the top of the screen. In this tab you have two flames. Code setting frame: it contains the options that will effect your code window editor.

This option is: a Auto list members: Check this check box to display a list of members methods, properties belonging to an Object. This if you prefer to see one procedure in the editor at a time. You can set grid lines using form grid setting frame. You this line to align the control on the form. Error trapping selection allows to set error trapping i. Compile sections contains the following options. Set compile on demand. Enable back ground compile allow you to continue working in VB while it compile your applications, this setting is enabled by fault.

Checking show tool tips allow VB to show you tool tips that describe the control. Docking tab: By selecting the clocking tab you can determine which windows with in IDE are docks able. The environment tab: The environment tab is the most important place to customize settings with in IDE. When you are involved in serious project developments you want to save your work often.

To do this to check the promote to save changes option. The advanced tab: 1. Selecting the back ground project load options will force VB to load projects while you continue working.

This is useful because it allows you to continue working while a project loads. Leave the notify when changing shared project items option checked. A variable has a name and a value when a variable has a text value it should be enclosed with in quotations. Example: - Dim name as string. Dim meters as integer. In VB having two type of declarations. They are Explicit and Implicit Declarations. You can declare multiple variable of same type i. Dim a, b, c as integer.

So, what data type is declared we have to enter the same type of data. That means variable type is variant. In such case VB can assigns run type of data can be assigned at runtime.

They are: 1 Integer and long 2 Single and double 3 Integer and long Any variables declared as integer or long stores whole numbers. Example: Dim a as integer Dim b as long Single and double: variables declared as single or double stores fractional numbers. Double gives the accurate results compared to single. Example: Dim x as single Dim y as double 2 String variables: String data type stores only text and its value is enclosed with in quotations. Example: Dim var name as string.

Example: Dim var name as byte This data type is generally used to store images or sounds etc. It is declared using the word Boolean. Example: Dim var name as Boolean.

Any variable Declare as variant is handle by VB according to the variables constants. If you assign a string value, VB treats it as an integer. If you assign a string value, VB treats it as a string. Its type depends on the contents you can also specify variant type to make the code clear. Example: Dim a as variant.

Example: A form has two command buttons command1and command2 you can declare two object variables as Dim a as command1 Dim b as command2 Each of these two object variable can be set to one of the command buttons present on the form with the following statements. Example: To change the caption properties of the command button use the statement as follows. Scope of a variable: The scope of a variable is the limit of a variable with in different sections of applications.

If a variable is declared with in a procedure then only the code present in that procedures can access that variables. This variable does not exits for the rest of the application so this variables scope is limited to a procedure and such variable ate called local or private variables. Example: You are writing the click event procedure of a command button. These variables are called form wide variables.

Such variable can be accessed by all procedure with in the some form. All such variables must be declared in the forms declaration section using Dim statement. Such variables are called as public variables.

Public variables must be declared in module section. Public variables may not appear with in procedures. These must be declared in the declaration section of a module. Life time of a variable: The word life time means the period during which all variable retain their values.

Variables declared as public exists for a life time of the application. Life time declared with in procedures with Dim statement exists for life time procedures in which there are declared.

When the procedure finishes local variables allocated variables return to the system.


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