Striking and Fielding Games. Players on the batting team strike an object and attempt to run between two points before the fielding team can recuperate the object.
The teams exchange roles after a certain amount of hits or after a certain amount of players have been retired from the game. Tactical problems related to striking and fielding games include striking the object to an open space, reducing space on defence, scoring points and retiring players from the game.
Examples of striking and fielding games include baseball, cricket, softball and kickball. Chasing and Fleeing Games. Fundamental Movement Skills Games. Fundamental movement skills are the building blocks of physical literacy. These skills are usually broken down into three overarching categories: locomotor e.
The following games will help your students develop their FMS skills in fun, active learning environments! Ensure that all equipment is stored safely when not in use. In particular, unused balls must be stored in a safe place. This could be back in bags or on trolleys, using a bench turned on the side or cones to stop them rolling. All rights reserved. To develop dribbling towards a goal. To understand what being in possession means and support a teammate to do this. To develop passing to a teammate with your feet.
To develop dribbling a ball with hands. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. Featured Resources.
Author: Jessica Shawley. Author: Laura Hunt. Author: Mike Chamberlain. Author: Jason Gemberling. We're Social! Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Pinterest. Author: Randy Spring. Author: Dr. Bin Ball. Essentials Team Games Athletics. DuraCoat Dodgeballs. ElevAir Deluxe Parachutes. Portable Net Systems. NeverWear Segmented Ropes.