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KMPrenger June 3, 0 Comments. Anonymous Posted June 4, 0 Comments. Now just before showing the Report, write this code: With ReportViewer1. Veena, Your solution worked perfectly! However as you know, only for the record. This is usual in most parameters reading API. Also the. The first element is the executable file name, and the following zero or more elements contain the remaining command-line arguments.
Because first parameter refers to your application's path, the rest are usually custom ones that you pass. If you want to use a specific parameter, you may specify its index in command-line argument array then use where you want form's load on example above.
Thanks, finally i used Environment. Generally, the parameters are passed when form's load event is fired.. Length 1 Then MsgBox Environment.
This discussion thread is closed Start new discussion. Application uses a variable of the wrong type Fill problem in VS. NET application. Problem with Windows Service Application. Visual Basic. Struggling with db2 and my asp application -- Calling a stored procedure. Mobile Development. How to use Nuget assembly as files with visual studio community. Programmers usually need a tool that will provide version control and backupof his work.
We can't rely on the fact that we could just save the programbecause we're humans and humans make mistakes. When you lose a few days' or evena few weeks' work, it can be really demotivating. It's good to think about suchsituations right from the start.
I highly recommend Dropbox, which is extremelysimple, and automatically stores multiple versions of yourfiles, which makes it possible to revert to previous versions of the project,and also synchronizes with a web repository. Even if you'veaccidentally deleted your project, overwrote it, somebody stole your laptop oryour hard drive accidentally collapsed, your data will remain safe.
Dropbox alsoallows you to share projects with several developers. You can also use a tool called GIT for the same purposes, but itsconfiguration would require the 'while' article. Dropbox is perfect for ourcurrent intents and purposes. Let's name this project FirstApplication. Then, switch the target framework to the. NETFramework 3. NET 4.
Create afolder for your projects in your Dropbox folder, for example, 'vbnet'. We will stick with consoleapplications ,command line interface, for a while because it needs minimalknowledge of the object-oriented world, and they are ideal for learning thebasics of the language. The window should look like this:. We're interested mainly in the middle window in which VS will generate somesource code. It may be a surprise to some of you that we are not starting outwith an empty window, but then again that is exactly what a template is easilymodifiable preset code!
We'll keep it simple for now, everything will beexplained throughout the courses. The first line is telling us we're creating a module. It's justa way how we structure code in VB. NET, we'll explain them in further lessons. The key will be the Main method for us, we'll write our codebetween this line and the line with End Sub , i. Main is a reserved word, and Visual Basic knows that this methodmust be executed as first after the application starts there are more methods,but more on that later.
Then the module is ended. Endings in VB. NET areactually pretty nice when compared to C-like languages and their curly brackets.
Actually, we'll ignore everything except for the Main method. The second important element in the window is a green 'Play' button in theupper bar, which compiles and runs our program. You can try it, but our programwill not do anything, just turn terminate right away.
You can also run theprogram with the F5 keyboard shortcut. Shortcuts in VS are designedvery well and it will simplify your work a lot, that is if you decide to learnthem. Near the arrow icon, we have Debug selected. This means that the program willbe compiled in the Debug mode, and it'll contain certain routines to debugerrors. It's mainly used to test the program when we're developing it, and theprogram may run slower due to it.
Once you're sure that your program iscomplete, switch it to Release mode and run the program. As a result, we'll havea program which can be distributed among people. Let's take a look at what's in our application folder. It's a set of projects and it may contain multipleapplications which are used for multi-tier applications, or for testing. We'llopen our applications using this file.
Let's open it up, and seewhat's inside. The FirstApplication. There are. In order to show your application to somebody,this. Don't worry about any of the other files, for now.
As tradition instructs, we'll make the first program most people make whenthey learn a new language - Hello World. This is a program that displays 'Helloworld' or some similar text.