A pinhole-sized leak can be covered up with clear Silicone II on the inside of the piece. This method applies to fiberglass or stone fountains. Winter Care - What do I do with my outdoor fountain to prepare for cold winter months? During winter months, before the temperature hits freezing, drain your outdoor water fountain. Unplug the pump, store the pump in a heated area and cover the fountain. The fountain itself will not freeze because most outdoor fountains contain fiberglass and are designed to withstand the cold.
You don't want to have water left in your fountain when it freezes as it could expand and contract, causing the fountain to crack. For more detail see Winterizing Outdoor Water Fountains.
How do I repair chips in the stone of my Trevi Fountain? If you did not receive a kit, please contact Trevi.
How do I insert the rubber plug on the Stone Trevi Fountains? Water seems to be repelling off my fountain, what can I do? If the water is repelling off the fountain, the problem is the sealer. You can remove it by wiping the sealant off with a damp terry cloth towel. This tip applies to cast stone outdoor fountains that have a sealant or stain, such as the Trevi and Henri Studio garden fountains.
Why aren't the lights in my outdoor fountain working anymore? This is especially true if you happen to live in an area that boasts a mild and easy climate. In the midst of a rain and wind storm, hail and snow storm or any other natural weather phenomena, you might pause and remember that your outdoor water fountain is going to need some tender loving care.
Otherwise, life takes over and you may not think about it all that often. Having built-in water fountain lighting may have been the final selling factor when you were out shopping for outdoor water fountains. Since Flex Seal is waterproof, protects surfaces from corrosion and comes in a variety of vibrant colors we knew it would be the perfect match for our tabletop fountain! Jul 11, Choose an epoxy for indoor resin figurines. Gorilla takes epoxy to the Gorilla Tough level.
The easy-to-use syringe keeps the epoxy resin and hardener separate, so it is easy to dispense. The two-part, gap-filling formula easily bonds steel, aluminum, glass, wood, ceramic, tile and most plastics. Most resin statues can be quickly and easily repaired at minimal cost. The process of repairing a resin statue is simple; you should be able to complete all but the largest repairs in less than an hour.
Resin and epoxy are both adhesives commonly employed in the construction industry. They are also called plastic adhesives, and they are also used to bond together plastics, glass, and metals. Resin glue is an adhesive that is available in both powder and liquid forms. May be used in spot applications to hold parts in position while standard epoxy bonds cure. Bonds to wood, fiberglass, and metal. Silicone caulk fills cracks permanently, and it comes in tubes that make application easy.
Use a putty knife or similar tool, if necessary, to help the sealant penetrate the cracks and ensure that each crack is covered. Allow the sealant sufficient time to dry completely. Sand the sealant, if necessary, to create an even surface within the fountain. Apply waterproofing concrete sealant or paint if desired.
If you have a concrete fountain, look for a sealant like a concrete and masonry sealer that will provide protection against harsh weather. Q: Is it safe to use around plants and animals? A: Yes, Flex Seal Liquid is safe around plants and animals once fully cured. Paint the fountain with spray paint.
Choose a paint that is formulated for plastic. Krylon Fusion bonds well with plastics. Spray a thin, even coat over the entire surface. You may not find spray paint specifically designed for concrete, but you can definitely use spray paint on concrete.
Clean the cracks with a stiff-bristled brush to remove dirt and debris that may be trapped inside. Dirt left in the cracks could prevent the sealant you use from bonding with the fountain. Open the cracks slightly with a chisel or other tool if necessary to allow sufficient room for sealant to penetrate. Do not apply excessive force when opening the cracks, because that can cause additional damage.
Brush the cracks again to remove debris once you've finished opening the cracks. Prepare the sealant material. If you're using an epoxy-based patching compound, mix the sealant components so they can begin to cure.